
Effect of exercise and grape juice on epigenetic modulation and functional outcomes in PD- A randomized clinical trial

Effects of grape juice intake on the cell migration properties in overweight women- Modulation mechanisms of cell migration in vitro by delphinidin-3-O-glucoside

Phenolic compounds, organic acids and antioxidant activity of grape juices produced from new Brazilian varieties planted in the Northeast Region of Brazil

Resveratrol and grape juice- Effects on redox status and nitric oxide production of endothelial cells in in vitro preeclampsia model

The change in concentration of ochratoxin A and antioxidant capacity during the production of grape juice


Effects of the ingestion of different kinds of white grape juice (Vitis labrusca) T during adolescence on body weight, biochemical parameters and oxidative stress in liver of adult Wistar rats

Bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds from Brazilian grape juices using a digestion model with intestinal barrier passage

Whole, concentrated and reconstituted grape juice.

Aquatic exercise associated or not with grape juice consumption-modulated oxidative parameters in Parkinson disease patients- A randomized intervention study

Neuroprotective and anticonvulsant effects of organic and conventional purple grape juices on seizures in Wistar rats induced by pentylenetetrazole

O Suco de Uva e a Saúde da Criança

Phenolic compounds, organic acids and antioxidant activity of grape juices produced in industrial scale by different processes of maceration

Phenolic content and antioxidant activities of white and purple juices manufactured with organically – or conventionally-produced grapes

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