Raízes do Campo exists to bring real food from family farming to people’s tables. “Our foods are agroecological, preserving and regenerating the environment, promoting the economic development of family farming, and fostering culture, diversity, and quality of life in rural areas,” explains Carla Guindani, Executive Director of Raízes do Campo. The brand was officially launched […]
Tipo de suco: Red
Vinícola Aurora
92 years of tradition and innovation! ∙ Founded on February 14, 1931, by 16 families from Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul (RS); ∙ Currently, Aurora has 1,140 cooperative families producing grapes on small properties (around 2.5 hectares per cooperative, with an average of four people per family); ∙ There are 2,800 hectares of cultivated […]
Vinícola Vilena
A Vinícola Vilena tem orgulho do seu legado familiar. São quatro gerações que se dedicam ao cultivo das uvas e elaboração de vinhos, sucos e espumantes de excelência. A cultura da uva e do vinho foi herdado dos imigrantes italianos. Era ano de 1881 e o patriarca italiano Gaetano Muraro chegava ao Brasil com o […]
Vinícola Dalla Valle
História Conheça nossa história que começou em 1900. Desde 1900, ao se instalar na Serra Gaúcha, mais precisamente na cidade de Nova Pádua, região do Vêneto no norte da Itália, a família Dalla Valle se dedica ao cultivo de uvas e a arte do vinho em uma pequena propriedade agrícola com mão de obra familiar, […]
Cave do Sol
Cave do Sol é o desabrochar de um sonho que acompanha a família Passarin desde 1927 A história da Família Passarin no Brasil teve início quando Giuseppe, em 1888, saiu do Vêneto, na Itália, rumo ao Brasil. Na bagagem somente fé, esperança e a coragem necessária para trabalhar num novo mundo. O vinho, que alimentou […]
Vinícola Campestre
Founded half a century ago, Campestre winery is a family business dedicated to the making of high quality wines, juices, coolers and sparkling wines. This goal has made us respect and learn more about the ancient art of transforming fruit into life over the years, because wine is a culture, a science and a magical […]
Adega Casa Madeira
In the beggining of the XX century, around 1900, someone built a solid rock basement in one of the hills of the Leopoldina Line (currently Vinhedos Valley), which was then used as a resting stop during the grape growing and harvesting season. In 1926 an upper floor is built that would futurely become Casa Madeira […]
Casa Perini
In 1929, the son of Italian immigrants, João Perini, started to create his first artisanal wines in the basement of his house; at that time he used to supply them to local festivities of the community in the Trentino Valley, in the town of Farroupilha. Four decades after the patriarch started this modest production, his […]
Casagranda Ind. e Com. de Sucos Ltda
Founded in 1989 by Ludovico Casagranda, the Casagranda Juice Industry and Commerce is located in the Gaúcha Mountain Range, in Flores da Cunha, known as the largest wine producing municipality in Brazil. Casagranda preserves its Italian roots from the ancestores that were dedicated to the culture of grape juice making. The raw material is manually […]
Catafesta Industrias de Vinho Ltda
The Gaúcha Mountain Range is a land that bears stories of hard work and resilience. Augusto Catafesta, grandson of Italian immigrants, arrived in the municipality of São Marcos in 1943, bringing with him the art of growing grapes and producing wines. In the late 1950s and early 60s he starts to turn a dream into […]