Suco e Saúde

Mineral content is related to antioxidant and antimutagenic properties of grape juice

Maternal consumption of high-fat diet and grape juice modulates global histone H4 acetylation levels in offspring hippocampus a preliminary study

Intake of Purple Grape Juice as a Hepatoprotective Agent in Wistar Rats

In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Purple Grape Juice (Vitis Labrusca) against Temozolamide Treatment in Rat Brains

Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Potential of Organic and Conventional Grape Juices in Rats Fed a High-Fat Diet

Grape juice increases the BDNF levels but not alter the S100B levels in hippocampus and frontal cortex from male Wistar Rats

Grape Juice and Soft Drinks Take Care With the Sugar

Effect of Chronic Treatment with Conventional and Organic

Biochemical and Physiological Parameters in Rats Fed with High-Fat Diet The Protective Effect of Chronic Treatment with Purple Grape Juice (Bordo Variety)

Assessment of changes in energy metabolism parametersprovoked by carbon tetrachloride in Wistar rats and theprotective effect of white grape juice

Artigo de Opinião – O SUCO DE UVA

Antioxidant effect of organic purple grape juice on exhaustive exercise

Antioxidant and Antigenotoxic Activities of Purple Grape Juice – Organic and Conventional – in Adult Rats

Whole Red Grape Juice Reduces Blood Pressure at Rest and Increases Post-exercise Hypotension

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