Whole grape juice is an excellent option to hydrate and maintain the well functioning of the body. Bioflavonoids, tannins and resveratrol (substance present in the grape skin that protects it from fungus attacks) are responsible for the health benefits offered by grapes. It is ideal to drink one glass of concentrated grape juice per day, […]
Wine and whole grape juice: understand the similarities and benefits
It is widely promoted that consuming a moderate quantity of wine per day offers several health benefits. But, have you heard about the advantages of consuming whole grape juice? Just like wine, this beverage, which can be consumed by everyone, with no age restriction, possesses properties that are beneficial to our body. Readily available in […]
Floristas wineries have pure grape juice stamp
Material published in the newspaper O Florense.
Winter and health: whole grape juice is combined with immunity
Bon Vivant magazine – June/2020. Access the full magazine through the link: https://simplebooklet.com/sucodeuva2020#page=4 Or download in PDF:
Beber um copo de suco de uva 100% integral logo antes de dormir ajuda a emagrecer
There is an antioxidant present in grapes that converts stored fat into fat that leads to the burning of calories.