
Próximo à igreja de Santos Anjos, s/n
Santos Anjos, Farroupilha - RS
CEP 95170-971
(54) 2109 7300

In 1929, the son of Italian immigrants, João Perini, started to create his first artisanal wines in the basement of his house; at that time he used to supply them to local festivities of the community in the Trentino Valley, in the town of Farroupilha. Four decades after the patriarch started this modest production, his son would come to promote bigger changes. “In October of 1970, I decided to expand the family business and founded Casa Perini. Motivated and passionate for tranforming grape into wine, I look to improve the winery year after year with equipments, technology and a qualified team, for without a professional team, the art of creating wines looses creativity and talento.” And what would be art without any of these elements? Recognition comes at each award won and with each satisfied consumer, which is made evident with more than 200 national and international medals, and specially with the recent awarding of Casa Perini Moscatel, voted the 5th best wine in the world in 2017, by WAWWJ, the World Association of Writers & Journalists of Wines & Spirits.”I thank, in our family’s name, all wine lovers that help us to strive and do better at each season. A toast to evolution!” Benildo Perini, Chief Executive Officer.


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