Despite being delicious and refreshing, grape juice that is made with no water or sugar addition, is excellent to the health. Its nutrients have a strong antioxidant power, making grape juice a beneficial beverage for people of any age group.

A conservação se dá por processos físicos, ou seja, o uso de temperatura, processo de  pasteurização. Consiste em um  processo de esterilização de alimentos (o suco de uva puro nesse caso) que consiste em expô-los a uma temperatura inferior a seu ponto de ebulição e submetê-los em seguida a resfriamento súbito, a fim de eliminar certos microrganismos nocivos.

Não, o suco de uva puro contém somente um ingrediente, a uva. Alguns sucos de uva que estão disponíveis no mercado, podem conter um conservante denominado SO2, sulfito ou INS220, este sim é um potente alergênico.

Lembre-se o suco de uva puro é a garantia de ter uva o ano todo, e com ela todos os seus benefícios a saúde.

Estudos comprovam que o suco de uva branco também é rico em compostos fenólicos, aqueles compostos que são produzidos pela videira e que são transferidos para os derivados da uva. Estes compostos são os responsáveis pelo efeitos benéficos à saúde. Em estudo recente conduzido pela Universidade de Caxias do Sul, o consumo de suco de uva branco demonstrou ser eficaz na redução de colesterol e na perda de peso em idosas. Faça sua escolha, mas escolha por suco de uva puro!

All studies demonstrate that if the recommended volume of grape juice is consumed, it does not lead to weight gain. On the contrary, studies show that grape juice’s polyphenols increase metabolism and prevent absorption of fat by the body.

All studies demonstrate that if the recommended volume of grape juice is consumed, it does not lead to weight gain. On the contrary, studies show that grape juice’s polyphenols increase metabolism and prevent absorption of fat by the body.

Visit the Scientific Articles section to know other beneficial properties of grape juice.

No, grape juice can be an ally in the prevention of diseases, but not to repair damage already in place. Therefore, children who have still not suffered too much from the effects of free radicals are the ones most benefited by the regular consumption of grape juice, since they are in the process of “building” a barrier against the actions of such substances throughout their lives.

The grape tranfers to it by-products a variety of polyphenols, among them the flavonoids – such as catechins, epicatechins, proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins – and the non-flavonoids, including resveratrol.
Yes, grape juice is considered to be antioxidant because of it high quantity of polyphenols, nutrients that contribute for its natural coloring, acidity and other features that make the beverage so tasty. Additionally, they are highly beneficial and help the well functioning of our bodies. Polyphenols have antioxidant, antimutagenic, anticarcinogenic (prevention of tumors, for instance) and antiatherogenic (prevention of heart diseases) properties.
An antioxidant property is the capacity to prevent damage caused by free radicals, molecules responsible for the aging process and certain neurodegenerative diseases.
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