Beber um copo de suco de uva 100% integral logo antes de dormir ajuda a emagrecer

There is an antioxidant present in grapes that converts stored fat into fat that leads to the burning of calories.

The whole grape juice improves blood circulation, protects the heart from cardiovascular diseases, improves the body’s immunity and promotes longevity, and also helps the process of loosing weight. It is important to note that the juice need to be 100% natural in order to have these benefits.

Grape juice helps to loose weight

According to Bridget Murphy, a nutricionist interviewed for an article on “Prevention” website, a small glass of 100% whole grape juice right before going to bed may help to burn fat during the sleep, and according to a research published on the International Journal of Obesity, the antioxidante resveratrol, present in grapes, converts stored fat into fat that contributes to the burning of calories.

Resveratrol is also found in red wine, but specialists do not recommend drinking wine before sleeping, because alcohol, despite provoking a feeling of relaxation, is known to disturb a good night’s sleep.

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